
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Paula at the club

Paula at the club
By: bOB (

Paula looked across the room and gave a little smile as she noticed the four men who were watching her. She knew that they had taken an interest in her, and the excitement of it all caused her to take in a deep breath that pushed her breasts tightly against the thin silky material of her blouse. Wearing no bra, Paula was well aware that her nipples were clearly visible against the harsh lights in the club. Her short skirt did little to cover her, and the seat she had chosen offered her lower body very little cover.

Paula would never have dared to come to this place by herself. She would never have dressed this way in public, for she knew what type of man this would attract.

But on this occasion Paula very much wanted to attract. She would flirt or dance with anyone who solicited her. The reason she acted this daringly was her husband Bob who sat by himself at the bar, watching her perform for him to satisfy a fetish he'd had for some time. It had been only six months ago that Bob had confided in her that he often fantasized about her having sex with other men. He confessed that it turned him on when he caught another man admiring her, and he would later imagine Paula having sex with the stranger while he was making love to her.

At first Paula was uncomfortable with her husband's obsession. She was concerned that he may not love her as much as she loved him. However, eventually Bob managed to convince her of the harmlessness of his fetish and even got her to participate in roll playing where she would pretend to be having sex with another man by calling her husband by a different name.

Occasionally she even agreed to go out in public - a club or bar perhaps - with the intention of allowing other men to hit on her while Bob observed the action from a safe distance, as he did on this night. Paula noticed that the men across from her had become less discreet, and were watching her almost exclusively now. Keeping in mind that she was doing everything for her husband's benefit, she daringly parted her thighs, allowing the strangers across from her and glimpse at her nearly transparent panties.

Their facial expressions showed that her conduct did not go unnoticed, and when she looked in their direction again one of the four men smiles at her, letting her know he desired her; she answered his invitation with a quick smile before looking away again. Careful not to spoil the event, Bob watched intently through the mirror behind the bar, noting how vulnerable she really was. Bob knew that it was only a matter of time before one of them would go talk to her, and the anticipation of it filled him with a level of excitement that nothing else in this world could provide him.

He didn't have to wait long. By the time he had ordered and received his second beer one of the men got up from their table and walked over to Paula, apparently requesting a dance. Obligingly Paula stood up and threw a quick smile in Bob's direction before being escorted to the dance floor.

This was what it was all about for Bob. He could feel his heart beat accelerate, and he was beginning to get aroused. He was already looking forward to going home with Paula for a long love-making session while the memory of the night's events was still fresh in his mind.

Paula and her partner reached the dance floor and began moving to the music. Watching his wife dance, Bob began to fantasize. He pictured Paula in the arms of the stranger, slow dancing, and his hands caressing her shapely figure. While he fantasized about that stranger touching Paula's body and even kissing her, he didn't really want his fantasies escalate to that level. A fact that Paula was well aware of, and more than agreed with.

When the song was over, Paula's dance partner led her back to his table. She briefly sat down at their table before being asked to dance again by a different man in the group. Again she obliged and made her way back to the dance floor with her new partner. This repeated until all four guys had danced with her.

After her fourth dance with as many guys, she excused herself and made her way to the ladies room. Bob discreetly met up with her in an area of the club that was out of sight of the four men she had been entertaining.

Paula gave her husband a warm hug and a kiss and inquired if he had seen enough. The idea of going home and into bed with Paula was extremely tempting, of course, but Bob enjoyed watching his wife being swooned over so immensely that he urged her to stay. Paula warned that the four strangers definitely weren't gentlemen and thought it best to leave before their drinking got things out of hand. Bob knew she didn't enjoy these "adventures" nearly as much as he did. In reality his own alcohol consumption had affected his sense of caution, and the prospect of those guys acting indecently toward Paula was turning him on.

Reluctantly Paula returned to the four men while Bob went back to his seat at the bar where he watched with growing excitement as his wife continued to entertain. The fact that she was apprehensive about the situation only served to add to his pleasure.

He wished he could listen in on the group as he watched the men laugh and tease his wife, and he noticed that they made sure that she was never without a drink. It was all too obvious to him that their intentions toward Paula were indeed as indecent as she had feared. Bob knew the aphrodisiacal effect alcohol could have on her and was beginning to doubt the wisdom of having demanded to stay when she wanted to leave. Almost an hour had past since Bob had talked to Paula, and he could tell that the alcohol was beginning to have an affect on her. She had become significantly more interactive with the men and that in turn encouraged them to be bolder in the way they interacted with her. Their banter was now constantly accompanied by some kind of physical contact with her. At one point one of the men put his arm around Paula's shoulders, pulling her close, when another jokingly pushed it away in order to put his own arm around her, ostensibly claiming her for himself. Bob was getting very uncomfortable and decided that he'd seen enough. At her next bathroom break he would no longer decline her plea to go home.

Time went on and Paula was invited to dance again. This time her partner escorted her with his arm around her. What was worse was that he had chosen a slow song to dance to. Bob's heartbeat hastened again as he nervously watched the man place his hands on Paula's hips and pulled her close. Paula responded by putting her arms around his neck, pressing her breasts tightly against his chest.

Bob watched intently as his wife was being led across the dance floor in an intimate embrace by the stranger. Paula's dance partner didn't keep his hands idle for long. He began caressing her hips, occasionally pulling her groin into his. When his hands eventually began groping her behind, Bob swallowed hard and cleared his throat. The limits of what he was willing to tolerate were in the process of being surpassed.

More and more couples entered the dance floor, and it was getting difficult for Bob to keep an eye on his wife. At the same time the man she was dancing with became bolder. His hands were permanently placed on Paula's butt now while she didn't seem to mind at all. Even when he boldly placed his hand under her skirt and caressed the naked skin of her cheek she didn't intervene.

Nervously Bob ordered another beer. The bar was very busy now, and Bob was having a hard time getting the bartender's attention. When he finally received his drink he looked back to the dance floor to continue watching his wife, but couldn't locate her. He looked at the table of the men whom she had joined but she wasn't there, either. However, he did take note of the fact that only two men were seated at the table now. Panic stricken Bob left his seat and went to the restroom area. He wanted to check the ladies room for his wife, but a line of women waiting for their turn prevented him from sneaking inside. Impatiently he waited for Paula to emerge, but after a long while he decided to check the rest of the club instead. No sign of his wife anywhere. Finally he went outside to look for her in the parking lot. Nothing.

Fearing the worst he cursed himself for not leaving when they'd had the chance. He was about to go back inside when he heard voices emanating from behind the building. Wasting no time Bob went to investigate. When he reached the back of the building he carefully peeked around the corner.

The scene before him took his breath away. The man who had been dancing with Paula was standing before her. Her blouse was completely unbuttoned, and he was busy fondling her exposed breasts. Paula was busy too - her right hand was wrapped around his fully erect cock, gently stroking it.

Behind his wife was the other man who had been missing from the table. He had one hand on Paula's ass and the other between her legs. Her skirt was up around her waist, and her panties had been pulled down to her knees. Her hips were moving rhythmically against the man's probing fingers.

He heard the first man tell Paula how nice her tits felt as he put his mouth on her right breast and began to suck on her nipple. Paula moaned softly, and Bob watched in disbelief as the man grabbed her by the back of her neck and pulled her face down toward his cock.

Bob wanted to break up the threesome, but, lacking the courage to do so, he just watched helplessly as his wife bent over and was made to take the man's stiff cock into her mouth. He was by no means gentle with her and impatiently drove his pelvis forward until her lips had reached the base of his cock. Holding her head firmly in place with both hands he fucked Paula's mouth with rapid, forceful thrusts, only slowing down momentarily when she failed to swallow her own saliva fast enough and began to choke.

Occasionally he did allow her a short reprieve by pulling his dick out of her mouth, slapping it against her lips and across her cheeks. Again, he seemed to do so with as much force as he was capable of.

When Bob finally heard him produce a series of loud groans he knew the man was coming. He watched his wife try her best to swallow the man's cum as quickly as he produced it, but the amount of his eruption proved to be too overwhelming for her, and a fair amount did manage to escape her mouth, running down her chin.

The man behind her was still happily fondling her bare pussy, and as she stood up Bob could see the sticky liquid on her lips and chin glistening in the twilight of the yard. The recipient of the blowjob used his hand to wipe the remnants of his cum off her face, and then made her lick it off. Without the slightest hesitation she took his fingers into her mouth and hungrily sucked on them until there couldn't possibly be any trace of cum left.

Something just wasn't right. Bob knew she'd had a lot to drink, but this was way out of character for her. She had just been forced to give a stranger a blowjob while at the same time having her pussy played with, and she should be upset and desperate to get away.

Just then the other two men from inside the club emerged through the rear service entrance and rejoined their buddies. They greeted Paula's naked body with hoots of approval and wasted no time getting in on the action. The first of the new arrivals made a bee-line for her tits and began fondling them, while the other got busy with his hand between her legs, commenting approvingly on how juicy her sweet cunt was.

Bob could hear his wife moan as she was circulated among the men, being groped, and kissed, and probed, and he resigned himself to accept the consequences of their actions.

Paula was made to get down on her knees, and the three; as yet, unsatisfied men positioned themselves in front of her, freeing their erections from their trousers. Obediently Paula began sucking the cock closest to her face while using her hands to jerk off the other two. All the while the fourth man, who had already been satisfied by her, acted as a referee, making sure Paula gave an equal amount of oral attention to each of his three buddies. At the same time he positioned himself behind her and played with her breasts.

When the first guy was getting ready to cum, he tilted her head back and told her to open her mouth. No sooner did she obey and he released his load. He tried his best to aim for her mouth, but the initial burst of his cum was too forceful and he shot most of it all over her face. Again Paula was made to lick the remaining cum off the man's fingers after he had wiped it off her face.

Soon the second man tilted her head back, signaling his impending orgasm to her. Paula submissively opened her mouth in anticipation of his load. He had better aim than his friend and managed to squirt the majority of his sperm straight into her hungry mouth. Paula waited for the man to finish completely before closing her mouth to swallow his product. Only a few drops had ended up on her lips and chin this time, and she dutifully cleaned up after him without needing to be told to do so. Having finished, the two men zipped up and went back into the club.

One of the men then pulled Paula's blouse down to her wrists and removed her skirt from around her waist by pulling out a pocket knife and carelessly cutting it off her. He then did the same thing to the panties around her knees. Now completely naked, Paula was presented to the guy.

Bob was curious to see how she would react. To his surprise she made no attempts to reject him and instead only smiled at him. Bob reasoned that, she probably had resigned herself to her fate.

Cautiously the he approached Paula he slowly reached out with his hands and carefully placed them on Paula's bare breasts. the men encouraged him to play with her tits to his heart's content.

The first man to have received a blowjob from Paula, now excused himself and told his buddy that they were going to leave after he was done with Paula. Having said that, he massaged her breasts one last time before finally leaving the yard. For some reason he didn't enter the club through the service entrance, but instead chose to walk around the building. In doing so he ran straight into Bob who had no chance of hiding before being discovered.

Startled at first, the man then greeted Bob like he was an old friend. He informed his buddy about his discovery and, oblivious to the fact that he had bumped into Paula's husband, promptly invited Bob to have a go at Paula as well. Before Bob could compose himself and utter a response the second man, already busy fingering Paula's pussy again, shouted over to Bob and repeated the invitation.

Still shocked at being been discovered, Bob stepped toward his wife and the groping man. The first man, his lust satisfied, proceeded on his way toward the parking lot in front of the building.

Bob felt surreal as he stood before his wife in the yard. The man still had his hands between her legs.

Bob looked at his wife and she looked back at him, her hips moving involuntarily due to the movement of the man's fingers in her pussy. For the first time since he had begun watching her perform in the yard he could see apprehension in her eyes. It was clear to him that her uneasiness stemmed not from the fact that she had been made to act like a slut by the four men, but rather that he was aware of it. Apparently she hadn't expected him to arrive on the scene and was trying to discern how much he might have witnessed.

"Gorgeous, isn't she?" asked the man.

Startled, Bob looked up at the man who had addressed him. Almost subconsciously Bob nodded in agreement. Still intimidated by the situation he was unable to utter a single syllable.

"She's real friendly, too," the man continued. Then, cupping her breasts from behind with both of his hands he asked her, "...aren't you, sweetie?" With that he kissed her on the cheek and gave her breasts a firm squeeze before offering them to Bob.

"Go ahead, play with her tits."

Slowly Bob began returning to the moment. Overwhelmed by his own fantasies having turned into reality, he slowly stepped closer to his naked wife. Was this really happening or was it a weird dream? Here he was, standing in front of a stranger who was offering him to fondle Paula's tits! Looking into his her eyes Bob accepted the man's offer and touched his wife's breasts. "Nice, aren't they? All natural, too!" Then he told Paula to unzip Bob's pants and start blowing him. As she had done all night Paula obeyed the man's request.

She unzipped her husbands fly while he stood dumbfounded, taking it all in. He was in the strange situation of standing in the backyard of a club being masturbated by his wife while another man played with her pussy, preparing to fuck her.

As Paula's soft lips began to envelope Bob's shaft nature began taking over, and he felt his cock start to stiffen and rise. Paula noticed too and, interpreting his reaction as a sign of approval of her behavior, came up briefly to kiss him. He could still taste the salty cum from her previous encounters, which caused his penis to grow even harder! He put his hands on her luscious tits and saw her relieved face smiling at him.

"I love you!" she whispered in his ear before she sank back down in front of him.

This is how the other men had enjoyed her, Bob thought to himself. This is what he had watched her do to them. Bob replayed in his mind everything he had seen them do to his wife. He tried to see her through their eyes. Now Bob was going to see another man enjoy his wife up close and personal.

"Fuck yeah!" exclaimed the other man.

Bob watched him position himself behind Paula. When he heard the sound of a zip he knew he was about to watch Paula get fucked doggy style by the stranger.

Paula moaned softly when she felt the man's dick ease into her pussy as she continued to suck her husband without interruption. Bob thought he must now be all the way inside of her when the man's hips bucked against her. He felt her suck with more enthusiasm, so she must like what she was experiencing. Almost subconsciously Bob's hands fell to hold his wife in place, supporting her and balancing her as she was rocked back and forth, while he listened to her enjoying the other man's cock inside her.

Having established a comfortable rhythm, the man enthusiastically slapped Paula's ass twice.

Paula moaned louder. She liked it, and Bob held on to her as he watched the man gave her swaying breasts some rough treatment while continuing to pile drive her from behind. Bob had to concentrate hard to hold back his rising sperm. His wildest fantasies were not only being realized but exceeded, and he no longer wanted this moment to end. He knew the other man was getting close to climax by the ferocity of his thrusts, and he didn't want to cum ahead of him.

Bob was right. The man announced that he was getting ready to cum and ordered Paula to catch his load in her mouth. Obediently Paula turned around, took hold of the man's hard cock and directed it toward her mouth. Bob watched his wife hold her mouth wide open as the other man's warm, milky sperm splashed on her lips and tongue.

Deeply satisfied the man zipped up and announced to the guy, "There you go. I left her nice and clean for ya," referring to her pussy, then added, "I know you wanna go again, right?" He took her breasts into his hands as casually and as naturally as if she was his wife, confident she would not object, and played with them for a little while before finally making his exit. It struck Bob how the entire evening nobody ever gave any consideration as to whether it was ok by Paula for the next person to have "another go"at her. It was simply understood by everyone that she would submit to them.

After the man had left, the guy selfishly positioned himself between her and Bob, completely ignoring Bob's presence. Now a lot more confident than before, he reached out and put his hands on Paula's breasts and began playing with them just as he had done earlier.

Bob was astonished that Paula continued to allow herself to be treated this way. He pushed her up against a nearby wall and kissed, and licked, and sucked her nipples, while his hands were happily kneading and squeezing her breasts.

When he was ready to give her pussy some more attention he made her sit down on a crate and, putting his hands on her knees, spread her legs wide apart. He confidently knelt between her legs and began playing with her pussy immediately. Realizing that he could still reach her tits from this position he continued to fondle them with his left hand, using his right hand to play between her legs.

As he continued to kiss and lick her clit, he slowly inserted his index finger into her. Paula's wet cunt offered no resistance, and he quickly discovered that it could easily accommodate two fingers. With her eyes closed and her head tilted slightly back, Paula had completely surrendered herself to him who was now in full command of the situation. Bob, having thus been reduced to voyeur status again, decided not to interfere and simply watched as he looted Paula's cunt.

Not content with merely another blowjob this time, he told Paula to stand up, turned her around and made her bend forward at the waist. Realizing that she was about to get fucked from behind by him, she braced herself against the wall with her outstretched arms and readied herself for him, who quickly stepped up behind her and, using his right hand, guided his stiff cock into her waiting hole.

For another fifteen minutes or so, Bob watched his wife get fucked in this way. She was very vocal for the last few minutes of her shafting, and at last he exploded inside of her. When his energetic thrusts slowly subsided, Paula turned and lovingly licked him clean. Greedily he played with her tits for another minute or two before finally being on his way, leaving husband and wife to each other for the first time in hours.

Wordlessly Bob walked over to his wife and gave her a long hug before finally escorting her to his car. Her clothes had been effectively destroyed by the other men and neither Bob nor Paula made any attempts to recover them. Paula had been naked in public for so long that she showed no signs of shame or embarrassment when her nudity was witnessed by a group of guys near the entrance of the club. She simply kept walking toward Bob's car and patiently waited for him to open the door for her, never acknowledging the hollering crowd.

When they got home Bob finally did get his turn with his girl. He could still smell the other men's cum on her breath and rejected Paula's offer to shower before having sex with her. He hungrily lapped at her pussy which was still oozing some sperm. In fact he was turned on by it and, recalling everything that had transpired that night he gave his wife a fucking that they would never forget.

The following day Paula was embarrassed by her actions of the previous evening and claimed that in addition to the large quantities of alcohol she had consumed the men must have also drugged her without her knowledge. Bob never really believed this part of the story, but he no longer cared. He was glad to have seen his wife in action


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