The School Project
By: Brittany (
Hello class, it's me your teacher Ms. Brittany again. Hmm, now that could be a great idea for a story. I know what some of you horny fellas and even some of you hornier ladies might like to do if you found Ms. Brittany standing in front of you at the head of the classroom. I can only imagine what dirty deviant delightfully delicious depravities would descend upon me.I recently posted a story about some fresh young girls and their first experiences with each other. I'd intended for the story to be a stand alone piece. After I finished writing the story however I fantasized about what other adventures I could catapult these very curious girls into. This next story is about some of those same characters, but on a totally new adventure. Too many of my stories have turned into mulit-part sagas because I just can't seem to shut up. I guess if you take it to the next level many of my stories come about because I just can keep my legs closed, so this must be a theme in my life.
One of my fans wrote to me asking how I wrote stories and if they were real of fiction.
First: Some of them are real, some are fantasy. Even the real ones have some embellishments as my memory of events - some of which happened quite some time ago - isn't perfect. In the whole however I try for truth, justice and the American Way. I'll let you work out which ones are which, although because I love you so I'll give you this. The first part of Eye Opening experience is true. The names have changed (except mine) and the dialogue (what there is of it) was recreated, but for the most part the action is pretty close to what happened. Later portions of Eye Opening are also "mostly true" although I did embellish a bit more of the action, than in the original, but not too much. There are other stories of mine that are also true, and you are free to ask which, just like I am free to not answer. Also realize that I may have written a story and changed my own name, just to make it that much harder to guess.
Second: I write my stories on computer - Duh. Normally I am alone at home and I hammer out a few lines or pages as I feel them form. I usually start the process dressed for bed - T-shirt, no bra, hair up, teeth brushed, shorts or sweats depending upon time of year. Unfortunately I do often get distracted while writing, and find that I have to relieve the "sexual" tension that the creative process can foment. For those who want a translation, I get so turned on while writing my hand ends up on my pussy instead of my mouse.
Final note: Some of you have mentioned that my spelling and punctuation can become erratic. In addition my grammar in certain sections of my stories can also be imperfect. I understand the frustration this may cause some of you and for that I am truly sorry. I will try and do a better job going forward. I should have proof-read the last story a bit more thoroughly, writing while stimulated, or while being "toyed with" by your friends adds a whole new dimension to the writing process.
And now for your regularly scheduled Story:
Another Saturday night and we were again back at Tricia's. It was early, maybe 4 in the afternoon, but already the prospects for anything interesting for the evening were fading. It had been raining since Thursday and didn't look like it would stop before Tuesday. Tricia and I, along with Ryan and Mark had gotten together around 11AM to work on our Social Studies project that was due in two weeks. We'd spent a couple hours pulling together all our research and writing an outline and then draft copy of the report. In addition we'd come up with ideas for some of the visual exhibits we'd be using. For this we were excited because everyone knew what a good artist Mark was. It was 2PM and we'd just finished a pizza when we decided to continue break. We'd gotten so much done in such a short time we decided that we could afford to take an extended break.
Mark and Ryan wanted to watch some dumb football game on the TV. I mean two young hotties right their in front of them and they want to watch TV!!!!
First you know a bit about Tricia and I, but here it is again. Tricia is a 5' tall pixie of a girl with full B cup boobs that look huge on her petite frame. She has strawberry blonde hair and a mischievous smile that convinces you that she's either just done something or is about to do something. I'm taller than Trish by 9 inches, which makes us an odd pair. I'm blonde, and have a great pair of long muscular legs from running Cross Country. I've also been told I have a nice ass, which is good, because as of now I don't really have boobs. I'm a hopeful A cup. Hopeful because according to my mom she was a later bloomer too, and she has DD boobs like all good Scandanavians. Mark was average height, maybe 5'6 or 7" like most of the boys in the class. He had dark good looks with too long hair that he constantly had to brush out of his eyes. He and Ryan were both in the band. Mark was a percussionist in the marching band with Tricia, and also part of a "garage" band with Ryan, in which he played, of course, the drums. Ryan was like me, tall, but for him it meant being at least 6 feet tall, but rail thin. He too had too long hair, but instead of being dark and straight is was wavy and dirty blonde and long enough to push behind his ears. He played trumpet in the marching band, and guitar in the "garage" band and had long agile fingers.
It took some convincing but we finally got the boys to agree to doing something together if we had the football game on the TV. Tricia disappeared briefly and returned with some drinks.
"What if your parents come home" Ryan asked, looking over toward the stairs. "They won't find out" Tricia said, "We do it all the time." "My parents would definitely know" Mark frowned, "They are so convinced that because I'm a musician that I am on something." "My parents are so the same. Every time I walk in the house, whether it's noon or midnight my mother makes me push the hair up out of my eyes to see if they are bloodshot." Ryan griped. "Well, I don't know about your parents, but mine don't make a fuss over it. I don't think they know, but I also don't think their really stupid enough to not know. I just make sure no one drives afterwards and they seem to ignore it." Trish said. "Way cool" both guys echoed taking a beer "Just make sure you don't get caught by your parents, and if you do, don't tell them where you got it." Trish said, getting nervous all of a sudden.
We were all over by the pool table and I'd already racked up the balls for eight ball.
"What're the teams" Trish asked "Draw straws?" Ryan suggested.
I'm sure Trish was hoping it would be her and Ryan, but we drew straws. It turned out the worst way possible, boys vs. girls. I knew from watching Trish that she was hoping to get friendlier with the boys especially with her parents expected to be out for at least 4 more hours. When she came back with beer I knew her plan, because I knew neither she nor I was brave enough for what she wanted to happen.
We ended up playing a couple games of pool, all of which the boys won. I knew Trish wasn't playing her best, because she's usually really good. I was nervous, and excited at the same time. I could actually feel the tension in the air as everyone was waiting for someone else to make a move. I could tell the boys were hoping something would happen, but they seemed so lost I was sure they weren't going to make the first move. Because we were all pretty nervous I think we all ended up drinking a bit too much and way too fast. I could feel myself getting silly, and my face felt hot. I noticed that Trish and Mark were starting to act a bit silly too.
When the phone rang we all looked at each other like we'd been caught doing something wrong. Trish answered the phone and spoke to whoever called for a bit then hung up. She didn't say anything about the call and we started playing pool again.
By the time we started the third game of pool I knew I was tipsy, and started to slow down. I didn't want to fall down or get sick, especially with Trish's parents coming home later.
Ryan was lining up his break shot when Trish stopped him.
"How bout we make this more interesting" She said "Like how? Mark said "Well, how about every time a person misses a shot they have to take a drink" "Ok, that's cool by me" Ryan said. Of course he was the most sober of all of us. "Wait a minute" I said "I'm feeling kinda drunk already. How about some thing else" "Like what" said Mark "I don't know" I said "How about before you take a shot you have to say what you're going to do if you miss" Trish suggested. "You can choose a drink of beer, or a shot, or something else. If you forget to call it you have to finish your beer." This was getting a bit more dangerous than I'd hoped. "As long as at least two other people agree with the bet it's ok. This way it's not something stupid like ?If I miss I'll do 5 push ups'" "Ok" the three of them agreed quickly, leaving me to just nod. "How about for the winning team" Ryan asked "I've got an idea" Trish smiled "Each team will write down what they will do if they loose. When both teams have something they agree to we'll show each other and if the two bets seem equal we'll keep them. If not then we'll all decide together what is fair." "Done" said the two boys
Trish grabbed a piece of paper and pen, and came over to me. She didn't even show me what she wrote, before she turned around and said "DONE"
The boys looked up. They hadn't even set pen to paper yet. Quickly they whispered and nodded to each other. "Done."
"Turn yours around first since you were done last" said Trish.
Their paper said "Chug a full beer each"
"Kind of weak, but I think we'll let that one stand for the first game"
"Oh yeah" Ryan said "What's your bet"
Trish opened the paper. On it "Abby & I will kiss each other"
Three mouths hung open at the suggestion, mine included. Trish just winked at me. I didn't have to be nervous anymore. She'd just made the first move. I was also sure we'd win since I knew how good a pool player she was.
The boys broke and the game proceeded with minor little bets being made in the beginning, with most of the bets being drinks. We were all getting pretty thoroughly drunk, and as a result the bets were getting a bit more outrageous. Mark was the first to come up with a bet that wasn't for a drink. He had what looked like a really easy shot. He'd been flirting hard with Trish so announced that he would kiss her feet if he missed the shot, assuming he was safe. Lucky for him Trish had showered that morning and had been basically running around the house in slippers, so her feet couldn't have been too stinky. He looked so funny on his hands and knees bending over to kiss each of her feet.
"Now that is what I call the perfect man" Tricia joked. Mark blushed, and Tricia looked at him with an appraising eye. I was thinking that maybe she was changing her aim as to which boy she would seduce.
It was Tricia's shot and she got that "I'm gonna do something big" look in her eye. The shot she had was an easy one so she said. "If I miss this I'll take my shirt off" again three mouths hung open.
The fastest to recover was Ryan. "That's not really a challenge. That shot is so easy you could make it blind folded. How about if you let that bet stand for the next two shots?"
Trish considered it "How about if we even it up across the board? No more silly bets, and one out of every three shots has to be a risk of clothing? If you aren't risking clothing it has to be beer."
The boys agreed immediately, figuring they had a much greater margin of error. At that point I knew I couldn't change the bet and hoped I had some easy shots in my future.
"I'll do it I said, but the boys have more clothes on." They'd both come in dressed for out doors. I'd slept over and we'd dressed for being inside. Neither of us had shoes or socks on. I wasn't even wearing a bra. I only had a T-shirt and sweatshirt. We quickly came up with the rules for what counted as an item. It still didn't seem fair, but I was getting more and more tipsy, so didn't fight as much as I would have sober.
Trish lined up her shot and ..... MISSED!! I couldn't believe it. I don't think she could believe it either. It was such an easy shot, a simple ball in the corner pocket shot. After the shock of missing the shot passed she smiled, shrugged, and slowly began to pull up her shirt. She realized she was facing the boys, and teasingly turned her back to them. She pulled the shirt up and over her head. The boys looked like they were trying so hard to look cool, and not stare, but they were failing miserably. They couldn't take their eyes off the thin straps of Tricia's bra. She turned around holding her shirt in front of her. Her arms were folded across her shit in front of her boobs, her hands tucked almost under her arms. I was standing so I could see her as the boys did, and to tell the truth I felt myself get turned on with what I saw.
Trish stood, her head cocked to the side, her shirt held just low enough that the tops of her breasts were showing. She had a shy smile, and was looking at the boys through the tops of her eyes, trying to read their minds. She looked at me and I blushed. Slowly she let her shirt fall so that now only her hands were covering her chest. She pulled her hands apart so that now instead of being crossed, with each hand on the opposite side of her body (like she was hugging herself), her hands now covered her still bra covered boobs. In my last story I described her as a pixie, and she really is really petite. Her boobs while not big, look huge on her because she is so petite. I know she is at least a B Cup, but she says that they have grown and are now C's. I remembered playing with them last night and they were so full I tend to believe her about their size. She wore an "every day" bra, nothing remotely "sexy", just a rose colored cotton bra with little flowers. Even though I knew she was acting she had me convinced she was hesitant and shy.
When she slowly lowered her hands she put her hands on her hips in a challenging way. The two guys eyes were glued to her chest. "Have you seen enough? Well if not too bad it's your shot Mark. I guess you two can keep staring." I blushed, and Ryan just smiled not caring that he was being so honest.
The game proceeded fairly rapidly, with all of us loosing shoes, socks (we'd put them on for the game), and shirts (thank god I had a sweat shirt on). I was down to panties, sweats, and my shirt. Trish was the same with panties, sweats and her bra, and both the boys were down to underwear and pants. We were all getting drunk since some of the shots we were missing were really easy. We only had two balls left on the table and the boys had 4, and of course the 8-ball. It was my shot, and I had to bet an article of clothing this time. I had a really easy shot. I wasn't worried at all, which is probably why I missed. I knew I'd missed as soon as I hit the cue ball. Had I not been drunk I would have balked at taking any more clothes off but the alcohol helped me not think about what I was about to do. I didn't want to take my shirt off, since I didn't have a bra on like Trish, so while trying not to think about it I slid my fingers inside the waist band of my sweats, and being careful not to pull my panties down with my sweats, I slid the m down my legs and stepped out of my pants.
The boys clapped, and I blushed, which was weird since this was no worse than wearing a bikini. My shirt was even long enough to cover me to almost mid-thigh. The boys were clearly disappointed that I was still so covered. My only hope was to have Trish end this game so didn't have to chance loosing any more clothes. Trish was evidently as drunk as I was and by the time my next shot came around she was standing at one end of the pool table wearing only matching bra and panties. She looked a bit nervous at this point, I don't think she meant to get so casually naked this quickly, but here we were. The boys too had whittled their attire down to a pair of briefs and a pair of boxer briefs.
My shot was one that I wasn't sure that I could make sober. To make the shot I had to hit the cue ball across the table to the opposite cushion so that it would rebound and strike a ball sitting almost in front of the side pocket. I was doing my best to delay the shot, I really didn't want to have to decide whether or not to take my either my panties or shirt off next. I kept moving around the table, looking at the shot from every possible angle. It really wasn't helping, mostly because my vision was blurry. I took the chance to size up the competition. The two boys stood as casually as possible on one side of the pool table. Ryan in the boxer briefs had a noticeable bulge and was moving uncomfortably as he tried not to rearrange himself too noticeably. It was hard not to stare, especially as the bulge began to slowly work it's way upwards like the hands of a clock. He was now pointing at almost 10 O'Clock and the "hands" of his clock were definitely getting longer!!! Mark who had on just briefs had a different problem, his clock was only at about 9 PM was having a hard time keeping covered because the waist band on his briefs was a bit looser than Ryan's. Every now and then Trish and I would be treated with a glimpse the boys dicks. Trish since it wasn't her shot was able to watch them more closely than I was, and I could tell it was having an affect on her. Even though the panties she was wearing were primarily white I was sure that I could see them starting to darken at the crotch, and her nipples were poking out of her bra. Her body was so inviting, it was calling to me across the green expanse of pool table. If the boys weren't there I would have been on the other side of the pool table with Trish. I was so horny I was tempted to go to her even with the boys there. These thoughts weren't helping me, I could feel my pussy getting wet as thoughts of Trish and I naked and squirming together in her bed last night assaulted me. I felt my nipples tauten and knew they were trying to poke holes in my shirt. Suddenly it didn't really matter whether I made the shot or not. I wanted to get naked. I also wanted to experiment with the boys, as well as possibly playing with Trish.
I went to line up the shot again, blinking to get my eyes to focus right. I bent over my cue stick and felt the cotton of my t-shirt pull tight briefly before sliding up my butt cheeks exposing my back side to Trish. I think I even heard her groan softly as I swung the cue stick to take my shot. The cue ball rolled across the table contacting the bumper before starting off toward the side pocket and the ball I needed to hit. My heart beat faster, I was going to make it! The cue ball hit my target ball and it rolled to toward the side pocket. The ball hit the inside corner of the side pocket, and bounced back hitting the opposite cushion before coming to a stop directly in front of the pocket. I'd missed. I blushed, or maybe I became flushed because my face felt hot. I didn't waste any time, I reached up under my t-shirt, hooked my fingers under the waste band of my panties, and pulled them down, dropping them to the floor and stepping out of them. I could feel the dampness of my pussy and knew that without my panties to absorb my pussy juices, it would only be a short time before I would feel them begin to flow down my thighs. I have discovered through my adventures with some of my friends that I am a fairly "moist" girl, more so than any of them at least.
Neither Mark nor Ryan was able to say anything, so dumbfounded that I didn't take my shirt off first.
Trish croaked "That's so effing hot" before she could stop herself. She blushed such a deep red it looked like she was wearing makeup.
Mark, who was wearing briefs failed to notice that his erection had managed to escape and now pointed straight up. The tip and a couple of inches of shiny penis were now exposed. Neither Tricia nor I could help but stare. Other than when we watched some porn movies had I ever really seen a penis. My old boyfriend had tried to show me his in order to get me to suck it last summer, but I'd refused. He'd taken it out and waved it around while we were making out in his tv room. At the time I just pushed it and him away, and closed my eyes. He was so pushy we broke up. His loss, I'd really wanted to hold it and play with it, but he just pushed too far. I mean holding it and putting it in my mouth were two way different things, especially back then.
Mark finally took notice of our stares and realized he was exposed. Rather than rushing to cover up, he as casually as a teenage boy can, leveled his cue stick across the table and took a shot destined to miss.
"Oops" was all he said. He leaned his cue up against the pool table and as cool as he could manage, slid his briefs slowly down. His tensed stomach muscles quivered. I'd never realized how flat and firm his abs were, he always wore such baggy shirts. His cock now released from his briefs jutted forward. It pointed straight out from it's base and upward. It wasn't flat to his stomach, but more like 30% upward angle (thank goodness for geometry - and I always thought I'd never use it). The head was like a plump purple mushroom, with a notch in the bottom. The shaft was a smooth shiny cylinder of visibly taunt skin. Surrounding the base of his cock was a close trimmed upside-down triangle of dark curly pubic hair, which extended maybe two inches up from his cock. Below the entire apparatus hung two heavy looking balls in a wrinkled sack. They were much bigger than the balls of the guys we saw in the movies. In fact I think his cock might have been a bit every bit as large as the cock we saw in the movie, although it is hard to tell.
Trish and I gulped. Ryan looked perplexed, and Mark smiled, "your turn" he said to Tricia.
Tricia looked at the table. She had another fairly easy shot. "I'll bet my top on this shot, and if I miss I'll give both of you a big kiss". She wasted no time removing her bra when her shot went awry. Before the balls on the table stopped moving her lips were already meeting Ryan's. Their kiss lingered and her finger tips ran across his chest and nipples. She kissed him for a good 30 seconds after which he looked like he was ready to fall over. He took a long drink of his beer, and Tricia began to kiss Mark in the same way. She ran her hand over his chest and stomach, stopping just short of his pubic area. His cock bobbed up and down as it seemed to stiffen further. Mark's hand found Tricia's tit cupped her briefly before zeroing in on her erect nipple. When she broke the kiss this time both of them parted out of breath. Had she not broken the kiss it seemed very likely they would have tumbled to the floor exploring each other right in front of us. My pussy got wetter and wetter, and I felt my juices began to run out between my swollen pussy lips and slowly drip down my inner thighs. My knees felt week with arousal.
Ryan had regained his composure enough to remember it was his shot. Ryan had very difficult shot. He strode around the table looking at it from every angle. His penis remained trapped within his boxer briefs. He walked funny, his rigid penis causing him to move awkwardly. "There's no way to make this shot." He bemoaned. "Guess I should just take my shorts off now"
"How about if you make the shot you get to kiss both Trish and I, and you can touch us any where you want." I spoke up, surprising myself with my boldness. "Only if he takes his shorts off whether he makes it or misses it" Trish said.
Ryan circled the table looking for an angle, until he finally found what he thought was the best possible shot. His shot entailed hitting two cushions near one of the corners and traveling down the length of the table to hit a ball 4 inches from the corner pocket but sitting right up against a cushion.
Trish finished her beer while we waited for Ryan to shoot. The drink seemed to have an immediate affect upon her "And to make it even more interesting, if you make it Abby and I will both take off the rest of our clothes so we'll all be naked together.
Ryan eyed up the shot, pulled back on his cue, and swung it forward in a smooth solid thrust. The ball ricocheted just right off the two corner cushions and rolled steadily down the table. Remarkably the ball hit the ball he'd aimed at and set it rolling slowly toward the pocket. Time slowed down as the number 15 disappeared as the ball rolled over it. Two more revolutions and the ball was inches from the pocket. Time remained slow and it almost looked like the ball would stop before the hole, when it cleared the en of the pocket and plunked down into the ball return device. Ryan whooped like he'd just scored the winning touchdown in the state championship game. He jumped up his cock jiggling in the confines of his boxer briefs, but just couldn't escape.
Trish stayed shocked for only the blink of an eye. But instead of approaching Ryan, she came toward me. She looked me in the eye reached down, grabbing the hem of my shirt, and slowly beginning to lift the shirt upward, until I had to raise my arms so she could remove my shirt totally. Being so much shorter than I my small breasts caressed her face as she reached up to completely remove my shirt. She let my nipple rub her cheek and turned her head so that he lips grazed my nipple as she stepped back, leaving me standing their naked. I now looked her in the eyes, and stepped in to her, my hands just above her hips. Slowly I sank down in front of her, my hands slowly pulling down her panties by the sides. Instead of letting her panties fall to the ground, I pushed them all the way to the floor with my hands. I bent down leaning forward in order to get her panties all the way to the floor. My face was inches from her sweet pussy. I inhaled the intoxicating scent of her aroused pussy. Had Mark not made a noise I would have ended up erasing the final two inches separating my lips and hers'. Instead I blew a sharp breath at her clit, which was peeking out from the juncture of her swollen pussy lips. Her inner thighs glistened with the pussy juice that had already begun escaping from her pussy. Trish shuddered slightly as my breath washed over her clit. It took all my will power to stand back up and back away from Trish. Her eyes smoldered with lust, and she looked at me with a hunger I'd not ever seen in her eyes.
While this had been happening Ryan had removed his underwear. His penis stood straight out from his body. It looked to be slightly longer than Mark's penis, but was a bit thinner. It also seemed to have a curve to it, bending upwards, unlike Mark's which was straight as an arrow.
Ryan approached both Tricia and I, "I come to claim my reward" he said in comical British accent. He kissed Trish first, their tongues wresting in a sloppy wet kiss. His one hand sought out her breast while his other cupped her bottom. He groped her breast his inexperience obvious. His fingers sought and found her distended nipple, and pinched it lightly at first, and then progressively harder causing Trish to shudder and moan.
"Did I hurt you he said pulling back" worried and sorry "No, just the opposite" Trish said.
Their kiss now broken he turned to me. We were so much closer in height that he didn't need to bend quite so much, nor did I need to reach up quite so much. Our lips met, the kiss less messy than the one with Trish' had looked. He was more composed, and I longed to feel his hand on my much smaller breasts. Instead I felt his hand and fingers on my quivering clit. It was obvious that he really wasn't sure what do. Haltingly he began to rub the rough callused tip of his finger against my hyper sensitive clit. I broke our kiss as I gasped at this touch. His touch on my too long ignored clit sent shock waves of pleasure through out my entire body. I shuddered as I felt the first waves of an impending orgasm start to wash over me. My skin flushed and felt like it was on fire and I felt my nipples tighten and my pussy and asshole clench and release over and over again. It passed quickly since he didn't yet know how to follow up on the havoc he'd just caused on me. His rough finger began to flick or "pluck" my clit, almost like it was a string on his guitar. He heard my breathing get rapid and shallow and began to "strum" me faster. His rapid motions turned painful quickly and I had to slow him down before I cried out. I grasped his wrist and his fingering of me stopped, and his eyes got worried and again frightened that he'd gone too far.
"Next time play me like a ballad and not a rock anthem" I smiled. "We'll have to work on your fingering technique" He just smiled goofily at me. "That's not fair," Trish pouted. "I'm going to bet that it isn't much longer before some lends you a hand like Ryan just did for me." "Yeah like maybe me" Mark said almost drooling "I'm still shooting I might beat you to it" Ryan teased. "Who knows maybe I'll beat you both to it. She is so sexy standing there naked and all" "There is enough of me for all of you and we have all night" "What about your parents." "They called to say they were staying over and wouldn't be home until tomorrow" Mark raised his cup and said "I'll drink to that" Trish looked him the eye "Oh I think you'll do more than drink" "Well it's still my shot and since there are no clothes to bet, how about if I make the shot I get to do the same thing as before since I didn't get to feels Trisha's pussy. If I miss, well I don't know what to wager everything I can think of would be almost a penalty to the girls, and a bonus to me." "How about if you miss, you have to do what Abby and I tell you to do." Trish said.
Ryan with so much pressure missed a relatively easy shot. He turned expectantly to Trish and I.
"First we are going to teach you how to properly handle a girls boobs. You were a bit clumsy and rough with your first try" Trish chided.
"Now since you paid so much attention to Abby last time you are going to have to worship my boobs. Just listen to Abby's instructions."
I positioned Trisha and Ryan. Instead of being face to face I positioned Ryan behind Trish. She leaned back into him her back resting against his chest. I could tell that his rigid cock was caught between them, and Trish wiggled.
"Is that a banana in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me." she giggled. She reached back her fingers evidently finding his cock, "since you don't have any pants on I guess your happy to see me."
"Now that you're done quoting old movies can I help Ryan. First, Ryan you have to reach around Trish and and make your hands into cups. Now take your hands and put them under Trish's gorgeous boobs, and begin to lift them slightly. Good, now start to turn your hand so that you begin to cover her tits, but don't let your hand slide up. Now gently begin to use your fingers to massage and explore her boobs. Let your fingers run lightly over the globes of her boobs. Tease her with light touches your fingers barely touching her skin to a massaging touch actually like kneading bread dough in home ec." Ryan was getting the hang of it and Tricia was leaning back into Ryan, her hands obviously behind her playing with Ryan's cock. She was moaning as his touches became more teasing and light.
"Now that you've got her turned on, find her nipples with you thumbs and first finger. Gently pinch her nipple between your fingers. Gently twist them between your fingers, maybe a quarter turn in each direction. Keep going back and pinching them a little bit harder until you find out how hard she likes it. Trish likes it a bit harder."
I realized what I'd said and Trish caught it too. Ryan didn't react to it and I couldn't see Mark who was behind me. To cover my mistake I turned to Mark. He was leaning on the pool table, his hand lightly touching his cock. "Would you like to try with me" I said "I know that I don't have as much to work with as Trish, but at least I'm a girl"
He was behind me in a blink of an eye. I was only slightly taller than him, so we fit together a bit better than Ryan and Tricia did. He was so focused on being able to play with my breasts that he lost track of his bulging manhood. I felt his firm chest and taught stomach come in contact with my back. His flesh was so hot I almost flinched as he would burn me. Because I was only slightly taller than he, and most of my height was legs when he pulled me back to him his cock slid between my legs. He didn't penetrate me, but the head of his cock ploughed through the wet slit of my pussy. It ran between my wet pussy lips freezing me in place. The head of his cock nudged at the front edge of the entrance to my pussy and by luck deflected outward instead of penetrating me. I was still a virgin, and even though I was pretty sure that was going to change tonight I wanted it to be a bit later. When his hips made contact with my but cheeks the head of his cock had worked the rest of the way forward. I shivered as first the head of his cock and then the smooth skin of his rigid cock ran forward stimulating my clit. When he finally stopped moving, the head of his cock and a bit more was peeking out from between my legs. It looked like I had a very thick but very short cock.
Trish looked down and giggled "Look, Abby's got a cock too" She reached down and began to massage and tickle the head of Mark's cock. He groaned as her touching became more insistent. I moaned as her manipulation of Mark's cock began to cause it to move against my aching clit which so needed attention. Mark was evidently a very quick learner because his fingers were tracing trails of fire across my super sensitive flesh. He pinched my nipples, gently at first, then slightly harder. He twisted my nipples and pulled them gently. I leaned my head back resting it slightly on his shoulder. My breath escaped me raggedly, as the combined motion of his hands, and the friction of his cock on my clit because of Tricia's playing was driving me wild. I could feel my pussy juices building up, and I was sure they were beginning to coat the top of Mark's cock.
"So do you like your nipples pinched harder than Tricia does." Mark said. "Yes" I breathed and he pinched my nipples harder. Until I moaned from the sharp pleasurable almost pain Mark was inflicting. My pussy was starting to twitch as the combined sensations of having my breasts played with and my nipples pinched and finally my clit stimulated from rubbing against Mark's cock. I had a minor orgasm, and my thighs shook and quivered and my pussy began to spasm. I felt my inner thighs get wet from a release of pussy juice as I cam all over Mark's cock. I felt him shudder behind and beneath me. "Oh fuck" I heard him groan. His cock began twitching. "Oh my gawd" Trish exclaimed as Mark jetted a load of cum from his over stimulated cock. His cum erupted in a sticky stream splashing against Trisha's stomach. I looked down to see the second or third spurt of cum shooting out and covering that short distance separating us. It almost looked as if I was the one cumming all over her taught belly. Her hand had left his cock and were running through thru the cum that was spattered all over her belly. Marks cock began to fall away from my dripping pussy, it's job of delivering his cum fulfilled.
Not knowing I had to ask, "Will you be able to, like, you know," "Get it up again" "Well, yeah" "As many times as you want me to" "Good" I said relieved "Trish and I might have some plans for that erection of yours" I felt his cock twitch a bit, already stirring "Already starting to come back? Is it because you like me talking dirty, or are you thinking about what we are planning to use your cock for" Another twitch and another as his penis began to bob and stiffen, slowly rising between my legs.
"Yes, keep talking dirty." He whispered. "I think it's my turn finally." Mark said. "I don't think we're going to finish the pool game, but if not I'd like to ask the girls if they'll kiss each other. That's what got me so horny to begin with"
I look at Trish. She stood only maybe a foot away having backed up when Mark came on her stomach. Ryan was still behind her, his two hands still playing with her tits. Mark was still behind me similarly his hands were still playing with my nipples. Her answer was to lift her face toward mine, her lips slightly parted, anticipating contact with my lips. I bent my neck down to meet her lips. As always the first contact of our lips was electric. Her tongue wasted no time entering my mouth with a hunger that matched mine. My hands immediately began to roam over her tight body. One hand reached around behind her, while the other went directly to her pussy. Even with Mark's hands on my breasts, the presence of the boys faded away, with Trish being my focus.
My one hand found her pussy, and I immediately slid one finger deep into her sopping pussy. Her exhaled breath exploded into my mouth as my finger unerringly found her g-spot and aggressively began to rub her just right. Her orgasm was both immediate and intense. Her pussy contracted around my finger and her juices soaked my hand, briefly pooling in my upturned palm.
My free hand went behind Trish, intending to pull her toward me, encountered Ryan's hard cock. My fingers automatically wrapped around him, almost as if they knew what to do instinctively. I began to stroke him, letting my fingers glide up and down his hard smooth cock. I could feel Ryan's labored breathing brushing my hair as he towered above Trish's head. I gripped Ryan's cock more firmly, and instead of lightly teasing his cock, gripped him tightly and began to stroke his cock from base to tip and back. I felt the flesh of his cock sliding over the rigid structure beneath. It took only a few strokes before Ryan began to match my stroking motion with thrusts of his own. He was fucking my hand, as Trish and I tongue wrestled. I felt Mark, or someone place their hand tentatively on my pussy. It was Mark, and his finger entered my pussy sliding slowly, but steadily up into my well lubricated cunt. I jumped a bit as he inserted his thick finger so deeply on the first try that I could feel his callused palm come to a rest against my clit. I didn't realize how strong Mark was. In his efforts to enter me more deeply he was actually lifting me up off the ground, crushing my clit between my pubic bone and his strong hands. His thick fingers were the largest thing I'd ever had in me. I started cumming almost immediately, his fingers going deeper into me that I was used to, and lifting me with each thrust. I felt Ryan's cock begin to throb and pulse. Cum splashed my wrist and then Tricia's back causing her to startle and press into me. Ryan's cock spurted a few more times spraying Trish's back.
My hand left Ryan's softening cock to come to a rest in a slick patch of cum that covered the small of Tricia's back. I pulled her towards me, and the still wet patch of cum that was on her stomach pressed against my pubic area.
Trish and I parted. The sticky cum from her stomach clung to my pubic area and thighs.
"I think we need to clean up a bit, and maybe have a drink." Trish said. "OK" the boys said, noticeably afraid that we were going to stop all the sexual activity. "Don't worry boys. There are still a couple things that I'd like to try before the night is over and it's my turn" "Well I'll be back with drinks in a minute." Trish said
As Trish left I got the two boys to sit next to each other on the couch. "I don't think Trish will get mad if I continue without her." "So what's with you and her? Have you two, like, well, ya know, fooled around' Mark asked.
I ignored the question, not wanting it to get around at school. Instead I reach out one hand to each boy, and grasped their cocks. "I hope you don't mind, but I really want to see you both hard again so I can see what the differences are, I didn't really get a good look before."
Ryan's cock was still soft, having just cum all over Trish. Mark's cock however were at least half way to getting erect. I knelt on the floor between them, , facing them, one hand on each of their cocks. I began to stroke them, gently, letting my fingers feel them. I could feel the blood pumping into their cocks as they started to inflate like balloons.
"What's the farthest you guys have ever gone with anyone else?" I said, while kneading Ryan's cock, causing it to stir. Mark's cock having had more time to recover was growing in my hand "Just a little farther than we've gone today." Mark said "How much farther?" "Well about as far as your currently debating on going" "What's that supposed to mean" I said somewhat nervous "Well if your thinking about what we think your thinking about." "Yeah" "Well that's as far as I've gone" "Oh, yeah, well me too". "So what is it you think I'm thinking" "They think your thinking about putting one of their cocks in your mouth." "Oh" "So which is it" "What" "So which one of them are you going to put in your mouth" "Why" "Because the one you don't put in your mouth I'm going to put in mine." "Well since your being so bold, I'll let you take Ryan's cock." "Mmm, and why is that" "Because Mark is harder and I don't want to wait as long as you'll have to, to taste his cum" "How about we see who can make their cock cum first" "Ok, but what does the winner get" "The winner gets to choose who they want to be the first to lick her pussy"
Ryan's cock nearly jumped out of my hand it got so hard just hearing what we were talking about.
"Ok, but what happens to the loser?" "Boys, have either of you ever licked a pussy before."
Mark nodded shyly. "Ryan?" "Well, no" "In that case if the boys aren't any good at licking pussy properly then the loser has to show them how to do it."
Both cocks twitched in my hands as Tricia made this final statement.
"I don't know, that seems sort of unfair. The boys would get to see one of us licking the other, how do we know they won't go tell everyone at school we're lesbians or something." "Hmmm, that's a good point. I never thought of it that way." Trish said "What's your answer to that boys? We know men like to brag about their conquests.? Both of them rushed to give us assurances that they wouldn't tell. "It easy to agree now, while Abby is stroking both your cocks, but what happens when we don't have you by the balls?" she joked "What if we gave you something that would be equally embarrassing to us if anyone found out."
At this point I released Ryan's cock and Tricia wrapped her tiny hands around it, slowly stroking it.
"Like what" she asked. Ryan and Mark exchanged glances. Mark clearly didn't know what Ryan was up to, but looked at him as if to say he would go along.
"Can I ask you a question before I tell you?" Trish looked at me and I just nodded. "Sure." She answered
"I'm guessing that you girls have already fooled around a bit. Some of the things you said make it sound like you two are already quite a bit more than friends. My question is am I right?"
"I didn't think you'd missed those signs, even though I'd hoped you had."
"Well if you feel that Mark and I aren't very good at licking pussy, then, well, either Mark or I will show you how to suck a dick?" He rushed out the last part.
"You mean you two guys are ?more than friends'" I asked, stunned.
"Well yeah. Neither one of us have had many girl friends, and well, it just sort of happened one time, and, well, once you do it the first time, it starts to happen more frequently." He said sheepishly. "Don't we know it" Trish and I chuckled. "Are there more of you than just you two?" "Yes" Mark said "How about with you, are their more of your friends who are ?special friends?'" "Well, yeah, a few"
All this time I was stroking Mark's cock, slowly, almost unconsciously. As hard and rigid as it looked it was still very flexible. The skin even stretched as tight as it looked seemed to slide over an inner core of hardness. Looking up at Mark from underneath I noticed for the first time that there was a bump or a thick vein underneath his cock that ran from his heavy balls up to the tip of his cock. I began to tune out the conversation and focus more on this weird and wonderful new toy. I wrapped all my fingers around the stem of Mark's cock, and wrapped my thumb around in the opposite direction. I have long fingers (being a tall girl) and my fingers barely touched!!! I began to grip him tighter and stroked him a couple times to see what would happen. If anything his cock flexed larger in my hand and the mushroom shaped top seemed to expand a bit. I moved my fingers to the head of his shaft and gently squeezed. The head wasn't nearly as rigid as the shaft, which seemed to be getting harder with all my playing.
Mark was watching me smiling. I looked up at him and said "What???" "You look like a kid with a new toy your trying to figure out" "Yeah... Well how my doing?" "If you don't slow down you'll have to wait until I recover before taking your ?oral exam'" he laughed at his own joke. "oh, I sighed and moved my hand from his cock. "Can I play with these" I said roughly jiggling his balls "Yes" he winced "but not so rough" "Sorry" I said meaning it, as I began to inspect the odd sack beneath his cock. It was all wrinkly and I stroked and played with it the outside and the trying to feel the "balls" inside it without hurting him.
"Abby." Trish said "Abby!!" She said again "ABS" "What" "Are you ready to see who the better cock sucker is" She giggled. "Since I've never done it before, and I know you haven't either, this should be funny!"
Mark rolled his eyes "Oh my god, now I'm scared!!!" He joked. "Just be careful with your teeth".
"On your mark" Ryan Said "On your Ryan" Mark Said "Get Set..... Blow" they both laughed making their dumb joke.
Tricia knelt up so that her face was now at a level where she could get to Ryan's hard cock. I had to tune her out, and got myself in position. Mark was leaning back in the couch, with me kneeling between his legs. I held his cock in my two hands, and raised myself up, so that his balls were between my small breasts. The head of his cock was just a bit lower than my mouth, and I looked down to examine it from a new perspective. I began to use my two hands to slowly stroke his cock toward my mouth.
I was a bit scared at this point. I wasn't sure what to do with it. I'd never done this before, and well what if I didn't like the taste, or if it made me gag or something. I reached out my tongue, and lowered myself away from Mark until I could look up into his eyes for direction. I licked the head of his cock right were it began at the shaft. There was a little valley that I ran my tongue up. The taste was, well there really wasn't a different taste. It was the same as when I licked Tricia's nipples or kissed her neck or belly. I licked the head of his cock a couple times. I built up more saliva and began to lick the shaft of his cock. I licked all the way to his balls and back. My hand gently stroked the top of his cock, running up to the head when I hit a wet spot at the very tip.
Did I make him cum already? I couldn't of. Last time he came there was so much of it that I would have been soaked by it already. I didn't even feel him twitching like last time. I needed to investigate.
I worked my way up to the top of his cock again. I looked over the head of it as I used my hand to grab the base and steady it. His eyes were closed, and he was breathing funny. I took the time to look over at Trish and she had Ryan's cock in her mouth, at least the head of it. She was awkwardly moving her head up and down on it, taking it out of her mouth every now and then.
I stuck my tongue out and began to lick the head of Mark's cock. I thought about loosing to Trish, she was always so competitive. I almost tried to speed up, when I realized that all that would happen was I'd have to lick her delicious pussy. How hot would it be to have the two boys watching me go down on her. My pussy began to drip just thinking about licking her to an orgasm. Then I realized before that happened I had to suck Mark's cock to an orgasm. I raised myself higher so that I could get a angle, and at the same time slipped my free hand down to my own pussy. No one said I could give myself a little pleasure while I gave him some pleasure.
I was so wet I ignored my clit and slid two slender fingers into my soaking wet pussy. I wiggled them in and began to work them in and out in a motion that I knew would make me cum, but not for a good long while. Now with just one hand and my mighty mouth, I used my tongue to circle Mark's bulbous cock head. I ran over the place where my hand had gotten wet, and I tasted a salty spot. It was kind of slippery like pussy juice. I eventually wet the whole head of his penis and realized I was just putting off the inevitable. I opened my mouth, kept my tongue slightly extended and lowered my mouth over him. I covered my teeth with my lips so I didn't hurt him and once I got the head of his dick in my mouth began to gently suck on him. I swirled my tongue around the head of his cock, and felt it start to twitch. I felt him start to wiggle, and his hips bucked forward a bit forcing a bit more of him into my mouth. I got the hint, he wanted me to do what I'd seen Trish doing. I began to draw him in and out of my mouth, while trying to keep my tongue wriggling around at the same time. Each time he thrust up I felt more of him entering my mouth. His cock was thick and my jaws hurt a little trying to keep my mouth open at the angle we were at. His cock was hitting the roof of my mouth, so I decided to try something different. I moved around and lay by his side, my head in his lap my but pointing away from him on the couch. I continued to stroke his cock, my hand every now and again meeting my lips as my mouth traveled down and my hand traveled up his cock. I felt my saliva running down his cock and my hand slid more freely over the parts of his shaft I couldn't reach with my mouth. More of his cock kept entering my mouth, until I felt his cock head nudging the back of my throat. His hand was on my back, urging me to take more of him into my mouth, but there was just not enough mouth left. I looked down and I realized I only had maybe half of his cock inside my mouth at the deepest point.
His cock kept going toward my throat and I felt my gag reflex kick in. I backed off and I think he understood, as he relaxed and let me do what I could. I kept trying to take more of him, and to make up for my lack of being able to swallow more of him, I worked my hand faster. I also sucked him harder and started to move both my hand and my head faster until there were times when my mouth actually flew off his cock making a "popping" sound. His thrusting became more insistent until I was sure he was the only one moving and my head was staying in one place.
With Mark thrusting his cock into my mouth I was able to catch a glimpse at Tricia and Ryan. She too had moved to the couch but instead of staying sitting up, Ryan had twisted so that they almost in a 69 position. I could Ryan thrusting in to her mouth much like Mark was thrusting into mine. Tricia however seemed to be taking much more of Ryan's cock into her mouth that I was able to take of Marks. I don't know what about it seemed so hot, but watching her work on his cock set my pussy on fire, and I longed to work one of my hands to my pussy, but one was holding me up, and the other was stroking Mark's cock. I watched as Trish slowly pushed Ryan's cock into her mouth. She paused at one point and I thought she was going to begin to back of it, when I saw her open her mouth a bit more and push farther forward on to him. When she was done she had all but maybe an inch of it shoved into her mouth. Where the hell had it gone!!! She was obviously able to let it slide down her throat, something I was having a huge problem with. I heard Ryan gasping encouragement and asking her to take it all. I could hear Mark moaning about taking it all and what a good cock sucker I was, but how could that be, I couldn't do what she was doing....
I used my stroking hand to slow Mark down and tried to do what I'd just seen Tricia do. I sucked him sloppy getting his cock nice and wet. Then I pulled my mouth of him, using my tongue to lick all around the head of his hard on. I caught my breath and decided I wouldn't be out done by my lover Tricia and put his slick cock back into my mouth. I engulfed more and more of his penis, until I felt the head nudging the tight opening of my throat. I opened my mouth wider like I'd seen Trish do inhaled a deep breath through my nose, and began to push myself further down on his cock. I felt my gag reflex react and literally fought down the urge to hurl. I squinched my eyes shut and pushed him deeper. I felt the head of his cock pause, the spongy tip get pushed out of shape as I tried to squeeze it into my tight throat. I couldn't get him into my throat so I backed off his cock again, still determined. I took a couple more deep breaths through my nose and pushed forward until the head of his cock was nudging at the entrance to my throat. Again I fought down my gag reflex, and this time tried to relax. I pushed myself forward and down and felt the head of his cock slide deeper into me. I was difficult, but with each inch it seemed easier until I was sure I'd taken two or three more inches into me. My eyes watered with the effort. Mark was groaning about taking it all and ohmigodding up a storm as he involuntarily thrust burying more of himself down my throat. I wasn't able to get his entire cock into my mouth, but remembering the movie we'd watched in the past I stuck my tongue out and laved his cock with it. My mouth was watering, probably because I was half gagging on this monstrous penis buried so deeply into my throat. I opened my eyes to see only about an 2 inches of him left unswallowed. I wanted to put him all in me, but my ears were ringing from lack of air and I had to back off him or suffocate. Mark was twitching and wriggling on the couch and heard a constant stream of babble about being so close. He was out of breath, as he was getting so close to orgasm.
I'd been so focused on his delicious cock that I hadn't realized that he'd managed to reach under me and was gently playing with my clit. I'd felt the warming sensation building deep within myself subconsciously for minutes, but now that I was able to breath I was able to identify what was causing it. My pussy was literally on fire with need. My juices were flowing freely out of my open lips and down both his hand and my thighs. Two of his thick fingers held my pussy lips apart as the middle finger gently nudged and rubbed my clit. I took my mouth off his cock and turned to face him. "Stick you fucking finger in my pussy. Oh god put you finger in me now" I grunted and mashed my lips onto his in a sloppy kiss that lasted only a minute.
I pulled back from his lips as his finger slid into me with little resistance. I moaned aloud and heard him groaning as well. His entire finger had entered my dripping wet pussy and now the palm of his hand rested on my exposed clit. I could feel the muscles or tendons in the palm of his hand moving against my clit as he wiggled his thick finger inside me. His fingers round my g-spot, probably without knowing it and sent shivers down my spine, as I again buried the top half of his cock in my warm moist mouth. I was sucking the top half of his cock my mouth moving rapidly up and down from head to shaft. I used my hand to stroke him in the opposite direction my lips and hand meeting in the middle. I worked faster and faster hearing his breathing turn into an animalistic panting.
"Oh fuck, I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna, cum." His finger found my g-spot again and before he could loose it again I cried out "Right there, press that spot right there'. He obeyed and the tip of his finger began pressing and rubbing the rough surface of my g-spot. Waves of euphoria radiated from inside my pussy and spread outwards. My legs began to tremble, and I though surely I was going to faint from the pleasure. Mark cried out again in warning and in pleasure. "Oh fuck here I cum"
He was such a gentleman that I felt him pulling his cock away from my mouth to let me escape if I wanted too. I was beyond thinking that way, and followed his cock down, taking as much of it as I could back into my mouth. Knowing I wasn't going to release him he thrust upwards meeting my downward motion and his cock slid deep into my mouth, the head slipping just barely into my throat when all hell broke loose. He let out an incoherent shout, his cock started twitching and jerking inside my mouth, and I felt the head of his dick expand inside me. The head of his cock slid back into my mouth as the first spurt of his hot cum shot straight down my throat. His cock continued to twitch and throb and with each shuddering sputter more hot sticky cum was ejected into my mouth. I tried my best to not loose a drop, but there was so much of it that I felt some running out around his still pulsing cock. I swallowed once, eating maybe half of his load, when finally the taste of it registered. I wasn't sure what it would be like, but surprised to find that I liked it. The taste was a bit salty, and oddly a little bit sweet. What I liked the most though was the texture, it slid around my tongue and my mouth in a funny way that I really liked, maybe because I'd never had anything quite like it. As Mark's cock gave up it's last spurts of cum, my orgasm took over and I literally collapsed onto Mark and the couch, no strength left in my legs as my pussy contracted around his two fingers (when had he gotten that second one in me, and better yet how - my pussy is usually REALLY tight). Even with the constriction on his fingers Mark was able to keep wiggling his fingers on my g-spot causing the orgasm to continue for what seemed like days. My hair felt like it was all standing on end, and the little body hair I had was all standing out. My nipples were so hard I thought they were going to explode and when Mark pinched one I say stars and rockets as the pain was so in tense it actually felt pleasurable. My pussy erupted and I felt pussy juice rolling out of me and down my legs. I came so hard and so much I actually felt the blanket beneath my knees getting wet, as my orgasm crested and finally let me slide down to a more normal state of being after one wild fucking ride. I'd never cum that hard with Tricia, and honestly never thought anyone could cum as hard as I just had.
Mark and I lay there, him laying back on the couch, me with my head on his taught belly my one hand playing with his now soft, seemingly lifeless cock. I kissed the limp head of his cock, as well as his rock hard stomach. He was covered in a light glaze of sweat that was salty and coated my lips with a salty musky taste that reminded me of how my lips would taste after a long run. It was very similar, but more masculine. I angled my head to see how Tricia was doing as the sounds of their sexual activity began more frantic. Trish continued to take Ryan's cock deep into her throat. I wondered if the curve made it any easier, Mark's straight cock didn't conform as well to the curve between mouth and throat. I'd have to try Ryan's cock later to figure it out. Trish finally buried the entire length of Ryan's cock down her throat. As she finished swallowing Ryan's impressive sword I watched in amazement as his balls seemed to draw up toward her lip. Mark somehow saw this too and warned Tricia "Here he cums" at about the same time Ryan's muffled voice said much the same thing. He and Tricia had evidently wasted precious time to get into a 69 position, the selfish little minx always needing someone to play with that tight little cunt of hers.
Tricia had pulled maybe half of Ryan's Penis out of her mouth, when her little hand reached up and tightly grasped the shaft and began pumping him faster and fast into her mouth. She was able to remove her mouth all the way from his now twitching cock. Her lips hovered right in front of his penis head, her tongue extended flicking quick little licks at the head and pee hole. Ryan's legs tensed and his cock began to flex and then out shot a thick white creamy glob of his cum. It disappeared into Trish's waiting mouth, and was soon followed by 6 or 8 thick ropey jets more of his cum. She swallowed his load and then went back to his still rigid dick and began to suck out every last remaining drop of his cum as his dick continued to throb.
His cock shrank down to lay limply on his pubic area, just like Mark's. I looked down and realized Mark's wasn't really limp any longer, but had begun to stir as I continued to play with it while we both watched Ryan reach his climax.
Trish removed herself from the top of Ryan and let him sit up. His face obviously covered with her pussy juice from their recent play.
"Hmm, so my question is, does Ryan lick pussy well enough to do it with out instruction, or do you need to show these two boys how it's supposed to be done.. "What do you mean?" "Well, I seem to remember that someone said that the one of us to who made their partner cum first would be the one that the other would ?demonstrate' proper technique for the boys." "Well we don't even know if
Sunday, September 5, 2010
The School Project
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